Waco United requires all coaches…cheer, flag, tackle bar and tackle to pass the national background check. Each of our football coaches must pass USA Football’s National Heads Up Football certification 1st Aid and concussion training annually. Cheer Coaches must pass the National Level 1 certification & attend the league stunt clinic.While winning a game is important, the goal of a coach is to assist our players to be lifelong winners by reinforcing our core values through football and cheer:Families: Being a positive role model and supporting family values.
Community: Volunteerism, Toys 4 Tots, Food 4 Families programs.
Commitment: While every day may not be a picnic, we seek to show our youth how to manage in the storm.
Character: Doing the right thing…because it is the right thing to do.
Here are the links that you will need to get certified...once complete please email certificates to League President
NCSI Background Check
Certification is actively monitored for 2 years
Click here...WU National Background Check
USA Football Certification
Register Here for USA Football Certification
National Sports ID Create an account...login...Search Tourney/Leagues...type in Waco 2024 Fall...search...WU will show up...click join league...create a team...add team photo...send link or QR code to all coaches/players...all must be verified prior to their 1st practice (parents will need to upload clear recent photo, birth certificate and school document).
Cheer Division
Register Here for Cheer Certification
Programs & Formats we offer:
Cheerleading:(4-12 years of age)
Limited Contact
6U coed Flag Football:(6 years old as of August 1st)
8U coed Flag Football:(8 years old as of August 1st)
10U Girls Flag Football:(10 years old as of August 1st)
11U Flex:(11 years old as of August 1st)
Full Contact
8U coed Tackle:(8 years old or younger as of August 1st)
10U coed Tackle:(10 years old or younger as of August 1st)
12U coed Tackle:(12 years old or younger as of August 1st) No 7th Graders allowed in this division
Here at WU it's Football and so much more.